Thursday, February 5, 2009

My Best Discovery Yet

For the first two months of my commute to work from the city centre of Madrid, I took the metro, the subway system that, in my opinion, the Spanish have done so right in comparison with other subways in Europe's biggest cities. Despite the metro's convenience, it would take me an hour and a half to get to work morning. And logically, I'd make the same 90-minute trek on my way home at night. I'm not sure what made more exhausted - my students or the commute.

It wasn't until I started my private English lessons after school that I discovered Madrid's best-kept secret. The train. Cercanías has become my favorite word in Spanish.

My commute is now cut in half. I can sleep in, have that extra cup of café con leche in the morning, and it's always guaranteed that I can find a place to sit and read on the train, something that was unheard of when taking the metro. I can enjoy sunlight, the views of the mountains as the train heads northward and, if I'm tired enough, even take a little siesta, knowing exactly what time I will arrive at my destination.

Perhaps it's my best discovery yet ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just don't accidentally get of a PITIS . . eeP!